Insomnia, in its simplest terms is difficulty falling asleep or difficulty staying asleep. People with insomnia often feel fatigued, have low energy levels, experience a lack of concentration or trouble performing functional tasks and are prone to depression. It Is estimated that nearly 55 million Americans suffer from some degree of insomnia.
Now, there is new hope for those that suffer with insomnia. The FDA has recently approved the first prescription device aimed to help insomniacs get a better night’s rest without the use of medications. Medications have been the most common treatment for insomnia. Sleep aids can often leave patients feeling groggy the next day, sometimes even impairing their reflexes and decreasing mental alertness. For these reasons, many doctors and patients have been seeking a drug-free alternative.
The Cerêve Sleep System aims to change all that. It was developed by board-certified sleep physician Dr. Eric Nofzinger. The device cools the forehead to reduce the activity of the frontal cortex. In patients with insomnia, brain imaging studies show that the frontal cortex remains active, preventing patients from entering a deep, restorative sleep. The software-controlled device cools and pumps fluid into a pad that is placed on the forehead. The program adjusts the cooling based on precise, clinically-proven ranges. The new system is due to launch during the second half of 2017.
In clinical studies made up of over 230 participants, polysomnographic sleep measurements showed a significant reduction in activity of the frontal cortex allowing participants to fall asleep faster and remain asleep for longer periods of time. In two additional studies, participants reported that the quality of their sleep improved over a period of 30 days. These are all positive results in helping patients get sleep.
If you have been diagnosed with insomnia or suspect you suffer from insomnia, talk to your doctor about your symptoms.